It's funny how everything seems to sneak up on you. I've spent the last few months dreaming about the day I leave, knowing that it was going to happen and wanting it to happen faster. But then the day came and I got a little scared. A lot of things have changed since the first time I moved to a different country. I feel like I have traveled enough now to the point where it's almost taken for granted. There is one big difference between going on holiday and moving, and that is the good-byes. I'm not good at good-byes and I generally try to avoid them all together. But that wasn't going to happen this time around. I found myself saying goodbye to everyone at work, then all of my friends, and then finally my girlfriend. It all makes everything hit a bit harder when you start realizing that not only are you not going to see these people for a long time (or ever again), but that you are going to miss them and they are going to miss you (or pretend well). I felt like I had been looking forward to a great holiday and suddenly it's now become a permanent one.
The last day in London was bittersweet. I knew I was leaving and I was certainly looking forward to the new adventure. I also had the day off work! The sad part was that I knew it was the last day I was going to spend with Nat for a while. It was also quite stressful because I spent the entire morning packing and much of the afternoon taking care of many last minute things that I should have done days earlier. But everything got taken care of, Nat got me to the airport with plenty of time, and before I knew it I was on a plane to Singapore via Dubai.
I enjoy long flights because it's one place where you are guaranteed to be uninterrupted by email, phones or people. I watched 5 movies, listened to some music, and even got a little sleep. Emirates airlines is very nice and I was impressed how much of a difference all the small things they do make. However, I couldn't help but have a pit in my stomach the entire time. I knew I was going to Singapore, I knew the hotel I was going to once I got there, and I knew the address of my workplace. But other than that, I didn't really know anything at all. I guess some of my preliminary reading gives me a bit more knowledge than most of you, but it's not much when you're moving there. So I got nervous, and before I knew it I was nervous because I was nervous, and then I went to the bathroom and found a large hive on my neck. I'm sure it was a bug bite, but I'd like to think it was a nervous hive. I made myself listen to some music and get some sleep and the nervous hive went away.
Arriving in Singapore was easy; too easy. I got off the plane, went directly to Passport Control where they let me in with no questions, and got to baggage claim where my bags were the first to come out. I then walked out of the gates to find two of my co-workers waiting for me much to my surprise! One of them is a local Singaporean and the other is from Taiwan and has been in Singapore for about a month. They took me to get some food and then hopped on a taxi with me to my hotel to help with my bags and such. It was great to have some people to talk to when I arrived and I enjoyed both of their company very much.
It was late in Singapore so the taxi ride to the hotel was dark. I got back to the hotel, caught up with some people on the internet, and went to bed. And that was my first few hours in Singapore.
I'm glad your coworkers were there to help get you settled - that was thoughtful. Keep writing, I am living vicariously through you! I have always wanted to live overseas, and I am super jealous. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a relief transition people can be. Glad to hear you arrived safely!